2020-09-03  Mamaia Open Teams 2020

Match results  PBN  CSV file  CSV file (2)  More information

14 teams. Number of rounds: 3.

Rank  Team  Score  Name             Roster                                             

   1     2  54.42  Iancu            Popescu - Grigoriu - Filimon - Bacalu - Filimon    
   2     6  41.31  Octopussy2020    Bontas - Gavriliu - Neamtu - Stanescu              
   3     9  37.21  Groaza de Fidel  Constantinescu - Arama - Marcu - Busuioc           
   4     8  35.24  Spaima           Dumitrascu - Petre - Darie - Darie                 
   5     5  33.65  Trei Randunici   Stern - Gheorghe - Dobrota - Iacob                 

   6     3  28.72  Siret O          Lesan - Georgescu - Iancu - Guja - Dumitru - Mladin
   7    13  27.84  Focsani          Istrate - Dodenciu - Aparaschivei - Mindru         
   8    10  26.70  Deep Finesse     Stanescu - Dobrin - Calipetre - Marzac             
   9     7  25.91  Aris Salonic     David - Valeanu - Dobroiu - Mathe                  
  10     1  25.82  Pamela           Ionita - Mindruta - Godeanu - Mugioiu              

  11     4  25.36  Nourya           Iordache - Popa - Donciu - Agica                   
  12    12  23.64  Belele           Dambean - Dinu - Chertic - Belala                  
  13    11  17.48  Bun si bronzul   Lipici - Niculescu - Avrigeanu - Dinescu - Pripisi 
  14    14  16.70  FBI              Adam - Adam - Sigartau - Sigartau                  


Round:  3                                                        
Tbl  Team                                     IMP        Score   
 1   2  Iancu            3  Siret O          34- 4    18.37  1.63
 2   8  Spaima           9  Groaza de Fidel  11-14     8.73 11.27
 3   6  Octopussy2020    4  Nourya           22- 4    16.00  4.00
 4   5  Trei Randunici   7  Aris Salonic     21-11    13.78  6.22
 5   1  Pamela           12 Belele           16-16    10.00 10.00
 6   13 Focsani          11 Bun si bronzul   29-15    14.96  5.04
 7   14 FBI              10 Deep Finesse      2-18     4.50 15.50


Round:  2                                                        
Tbl  Team                                     IMP        Score   
 1   5  Trei Randunici   2  Iancu             5-42     0.63 19.37
 2   8  Spaima           4  Nourya           27-21    12.42  7.58
 3   1  Pamela           3  Siret O          15-34     3.77 16.23
 4   9  Groaza de Fidel  12 Belele           26-10    15.50  4.50
 5   6  Octopussy2020    14 FBI              25- 8    15.75  4.25
 6   11 Bun si bronzul   7  Aris Salonic     17-27     6.22 13.78
 7   13 Focsani          10 Deep Finesse      9-10     9.56 10.44


Round:  1                                                        
Tbl  Team                                     IMP        Score   
 1   1  Pamela           14 FBI              26-21    12.05  7.95
 2   2  Iancu            13 Focsani          45-24    16.68  3.32
 3   3  Siret O          12 Belele           17-15    10.86  9.14
 4   4  Nourya           11 Bun si bronzul   14- 4    13.78  6.22
 5   5  Trei Randunici   10 Deep Finesse     40- 4    19.24  0.76
 6   6  Octopussy2020    9  Groaza de Fidel   9-10     9.56 10.44
 7   7  Aris Salonic     8  Spaima           16-27     5.91 14.09

Match results  PBN  CSV file  CSV file (2)  More information

PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.