2020-10-10 - 11  CN SEmifinale Perechi 2020 - Session 1    

Personal scorecards  PBN  CSV file  Hand record:  DUP  Session:   1    2    3   Current standing  <<  >>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  More information

8 tables, 16 pairs. Number of boards: 26. Average: 182.00. 
Average+/=/- awards at least 60 / exactly 50 / at most 40 %. 

Rank  Pair  Name                                          Score      %  Tie

   1     2  Alexandru Iacob - Marian Radulescu           235.00  64.56
   2     5  Silviu Gheorghe - Adrian Soucaliuc           221.00  60.71
   3     1  Dragos Lesan - Valeriu Gheorghe              217.80  59.84
   4     6  Mihai Adrian Grigoriu - Andrei Piroi         208.00  57.14
   5    13  Codrin Marcu - Sandu Solomon                 199.00  54.67

   6     4  Adrian Potcovaru - Laurentiu Potcovaru       198.00  54.40
   7     8  Dan-Catalin Enescu - Marcel Maris            193.00  53.02
   8    15  Bogdan Nutescu - Robert Kristo               182.40  50.11
   9    14  Florin Andrei - Viorel Micescu               174.40  47.91
  10    11  Alexandru Braia - Ilie Grusea                174.00  47.80

  11     7  Cristina Cristea - Octavian Dutu             161.00  44.23
  12    12  Adriana-Simona Dutu - Razvan Constantinescu  157.40  43.24
  13    10  Elena Tudora - Dan Georgescu                 155.40  42.69
  14     9  Marina Marculetiu - Laszlo Szabo             154.00  42.31  2  
  15    16  Livia Iancu - Alexandra Guja                 154.00  42.31  0  

  16     3  Ileana Sigartau - Valeriu Sigartau           138.80  38.13

Personal scorecards  PBN  CSV file  Hand record:  DUP  Session:   1    2    3   Current standing  <<  >>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  More information

PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.