2021-09-02  Echipe Mamaia 2021    

PBN  CSV file  Current standing  <<  >>  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  More information

31 teams. Number of rounds: 12.

Rank  Team    Score  Name                 Session  Rank      C-O  Roster                                                      

   1     9  2166.81  BIATORBAGY            166.81     0  2000.00  Moraru - Moraru - Moldovan - Teodorescu - Georgescu - Nistor
   2    19  2151.00  LUPII GALBENI         151.00     0  2000.00  Mihai - Mihai - Chelu - Voinescu - Breaban - Micescu        
   3    13  2147.78  AIA ZIC !!!!!!!       147.78     0  2000.00  Grigoriu - Piroi - Safta - Godeanu - Agica                  
   4    11  2142.29  BUCHAREST SENIORS     142.29     0  2000.00  Urseanu - Savin - Gheorghe - Stancescu                      
   5     2  2138.26  COLDEA                138.26     0  2000.00  Coldea - Feber - Stegaroiu - Ionita - Marina                

   6    17  2137.66  BRAILA                137.66     0  2000.00  Vartosu - Dobrota - Agache - Grosu                          
   7    26  2134.70  ROMIK                 134.70     0  2000.00  Vartanovici - Rosu - Valeanu - Valeanu                      
   8    18  2131.02  DEVA TIM              131.02     0  2000.00  Dumitrasciuc - Babuta - Sirb - Prodan                       
   9    29  2130.74  POLI CLUJ             130.74     0  2000.00  Campian - Campian - Campian - Ghiran - Pagu                 
  10    20  2119.74  BRIDGE OVER NATIONS   119.74     0  2000.00  Lascu - Parvulescu - Magyari - Vidami                       

  11    24  1139.31  BLANK                 139.31     0  1000.00  Serpoi - Stirbu - Briciu - Ghigheci                         
  12     1  1137.53  DONG                  137.53     0  1000.00  Weber - Nistor - Darie - Darie                              
  13    14  1127.23  IMP PROBABIL          127.23     0  1000.00  Iancu - Donciu - Filimon - Radulescu                        
  14    15  1124.26  SAMTRONIC             124.26     0  1000.00  Bacalu - Feroiu - Dimcica - Pripisi - Dinescu - Calipetre   
  15    28  1118.14  URCSUS                118.14     0  1000.00  Georgescu - Mladin - Lesan - Dumitru - Georgieva - Georgiev 

  16    21  1116.64  ADIZPAIMA             116.64     0  1000.00  Arama - Zavloschi - Constantinescu - Dumitrascu             
  17    25  1116.26  PAPADIE               116.26     0  1000.00  Dima - Filimon - Boboc - Ghitescu - Negoescu - Ploscaru     
  18    30  1115.76  PIELI                 115.76     0  1000.00  Cernat - Popa - Popescu - Didea - Valimarescu - Nedelcu     
  19     3  1112.59  OCTOPUSY              112.59     0  1000.00  Bontas - Gavriliu - Bujenita - Baluna                       
  20     8  1103.69  PHOENIX               103.69     0  1000.00  Capraru - Sorescu - Lung - Neacsu                           

  21    31   118.41  FANTOMAS              118.41     0           Verdes - Mucileanu - Gheorghe - Garneata - Friesenhan       
  22     5   111.74  RESTRICTED TALENT     111.74     0           Stanescu - Neamtu - Dobroiu - Popescu                       
  23     4   111.10  SANDYBEL              111.10     0           Solomon - Marcu - Kristo - Nutescu                          
  24     6   108.12  VISAN                 108.12     0           Visan - Glaser - Tomescu - Iacob                            
  25    16   105.55  RAIN                  105.55     0           Cucu - Cucu - Dambean - Fediuc - Bucur                      

  26    10   102.10  SY186                 102.10     0           Petrescu - Neagu - Ordog - Moscovici                        
  27    23    99.93  MATHE                  99.93     0           Mathe - Stancu - Valeanu - David                            
  28    27    97.49  FBI                    97.49     0           Stoica - Saceanu - Sigartau - Sigartau                      
  29     7    95.56  KAMM                   95.56     0           Bordan - Pirlogea - Mindru - Aparaschivei                   
  30    22    55.66  PSEUDOSCHIZA           55.66     0           Dumitrescu - Mirzac - Stanescu - Suciu                      

  31    12     4.61  CARASII DIN DALLAS    104.61     0  -100.00  Istrate - Gergely - Lupsan - Lupsan                         

PBN  CSV file  Current standing  <<  >>  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  More information

PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.