2022-12-11  Cupa Unirii Finala C    

Personal scorecards  PBN  CSV file  CSV file (2)  Hand record:  DUP  Current standing  <<  >>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  More information

13 tables, 26 pairs. Number of boards: 26. Average: 312.00.

Rank  Pair  Name                                    C-O   M.P.   % Finala   Score  suma %

   1     2  M Popescu - A Popescu                329.82  389.00     62.34  718.82  115.20
   2    10  H Micsa - S Toma                     302.15  400.00     64.10  702.15  112.52
   3    21  M-P Onea - M A Grigoriu              334.55  359.00     57.53  693.55  111.15
   4     1  S Carstea - N Baloi                  334.76  355.00     56.89  689.76  110.54
   5     5  M Baluna - V Gheorghe                321.58  366.00     58.65  687.58  110.19
   6    23  A Ionescu - I Daradics               324.87  341.00     54.65  665.87  106.71
   7    22  M Garneata - M Orosan                328.51  330.00     52.88  658.51  105.53
   8    29  A Radu - D Cristian                  304.14  349.00     55.93  653.14  104.67
   9     7  L Tudor - R Tanase                   308.47  337.00     54.01  645.47  103.44
  10     9  I Daday - Z Daday                    307.30  330.00     52.88  637.30  102.13
  11    30  L Kiss - P Matei                     300.85  331.00     53.04  631.85  101.26
  12    12  E Gyenge - I Stefan                  294.19  337.00     54.01  631.19  101.15
  13     3  M Belala - C Trif                    326.04  294.00     47.12  620.04   99.37
  14     4  I Sigartau - V Sigartau              317.87  297.00     47.60  614.87   98.54
  15     8  M Borborici - D Borborici            310.18  298.00     47.76  608.18   97.46
  16     6  D-C Enescu - P-M Plesa               312.72  293.00     46.96  605.72   97.07
  17    25  I Eros Karacsony - A Eros Karacsony  313.96  290.00     46.47  603.96   96.79
  18    26  N Marinache - A Braia                312.59  290.00     46.47  602.59   96.57
  19    31  R Selaru - C Oprean                  296.39  303.00     48.56  599.39   96.06
  20    27  M Brastaviceanu - D Diaconescu       311.08  272.00     43.59  583.08   93.44
  21    13  C Stefoni - D Jurju                  278.95  291.00     46.63  569.95   91.34
  22    32  P Ursan - R Mocanu                   284.24  269.00     43.11  553.24   88.66
  23    11  H Daday - C Gombos                   300.23  247.00     39.58  547.23   87.70
  24    28  V Chira - C Cadar                    312.38  207.00     33.17  519.38   83.23
  25    24  I Pascalau - D Grigore               218.76  295.00     47.28  513.76   82.33
  26    33  R Daramus - L Daday                  250.26  242.00     38.78  492.26   78.89

Personal scorecards  PBN  CSV file  CSV file (2)  Hand record:  DUP  Current standing  <<  >>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  More information

PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.