Personal scorecards PBN CSV file CSV file (2) Hand record: DUP Session: 1 2 3 Current standing << >> 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 More information
10 tables, 20 pairs. Number of boards: 30. Average: 270.00. Rank Pair Name C-O 1 2 3 Suma M.P. 1 2 Serpoi, G - Popescu, R G 260.60 61.11 70.56 45.56 579.60 2 5 Marx, R - Wojcieszek, J 255.47 46.42 63.89 68.33 577.03 3 23 Mate, V - Zabradi, B 251.48 57.35 55.56 62.22 566.70 4 14 Lesniczak, J - Valchev, V 256.55 54.33 61.11 51.67 557.35 5 13 Verdegaal, R - Thiele, M 260.28 47.35 57.78 53.33 545.50 6 25 Bosneag, M - Ionescu, S S 248.24 64.32 38.89 61.11 544.02 7 35 Kapiris, D - Soumplis, M 247.59 50.12 60.56 51.11 538.81 8 11 Vartanovici, N - Rosca, G-M 261.47 51.91 33.89 66.11 534.91 9 4 Vikor, A - Honyek, A 258.12 54.88 49.44 46.67 529.90 10 33 Lucaciu, A - Andriescu, R 249.26 50.25 42.22 63.33 529.71 11 24 Mezei, K - Honti, L 249.21 36.42 61.67 54.44 523.77 12 32 Yaddov, R - Maris, M 251.80 54.32 53.89 41.11 520.58 13 21 Giublio, G - Bianchi, S 254.29 50.68 58.33 38.89 520.51 14 34 Hristov, G - Karakolev, G 248.94 51.60 45.00 53.89 519.83 15 12 Pajak, S - Gawecki, J 260.60 41.54 44.44 56.11 516.38 16 3 Nenchev, V - Miahov, H 260.50 39.75 43.33 45.56 492.05 17 22 Ellialti, S - Matuz, S 251.80 43.95 45.56 37.22 479.91 18 1 Mircescu, G - Dragan, C 261.85 46.23 32.78 40.00 476.07 19 31 Tzavkov, I - Georgiev, S 253.10 40.99 38.33 44.44 475.88 20 15 Savin, D - Matei, C 254.66 58.58 42.78 18.89 471.11
Personal scorecards PBN CSV file CSV file (2) Hand record: DUP Session: 1 2 3 Current standing << >> 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 More information
PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.