2024-03-24  Cupa Baniei editia 51 Divizia C - Session 2    

Personal scorecards  PBN  CSV file  CSV file (2)  Hand record:  DUP  Session:   1    2   Current standing  <<  >>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  More information

9 tables, 17 pairs, 1 phantom pair. Number of boards: 52. Average: 364.00. 
Bye (*) awards recorded percentage.

Rank  Pair  Name                                      C-O    1      2      M.P.  Suma %

   1    10  Nedelea, I - Tanase, R                 170.17  60.42  56.87  597.09   82.02
   2    15  Enescu, D-C - Albastroiu, V            165.66  51.92  58.52  567.66   77.98
   3     1  Tudora, E - Niculae, C A               171.92  47.62  59.82  563.00   77.34
   4     6  Constantinescu, N - Constantinescu, F  165.15  53.27  53.57  554.07   76.11
   5     9  Fagiolo, A - Braia, A                  166.24  58.04  46.13  545.41   74.92

   6     2  Eros Karacsony, I - Coprean, H         158.45  57.74  47.32  540.87   74.29
   7     5  Bildea, C-S - Anghel, E D              154.38  47.02  57.44  534.63   73.44
   8    11  Mateescu, D - Neata, C                 164.21  56.55  43.45  528.21   72.56
   9    13  Rolea, I - Amza, G                     141.27  55.95  50.00  526.94   72.38
  10    17  Catana, S - Dogariu, A                 155.32  42.31  59.52  525.99   72.25

  11     4  Tecusanu, A - Popescu, C               170.65  50.00  47.53  525.65   72.20
  12     3  Soreanu, A - Tureac, E                 148.30  50.89  49.45  513.55   70.54
  13    12  Popescu, V D - Cretu, C                143.78  51.49  47.92  505.61   69.45
  14     7  Dinca, A - Popa, D                     139.45  45.83  52.98  499.12   68.56
  15    14  Poenaru, A-M - Iacob, B                172.18  35.44  47.62  474.51   65.18

  16     8  Burcea, C - Lupu, L                    152.70  50.60  36.31  469.03   64.43
  17    16  Mathe, M - Diamandi, S                 157.07  37.64  34.52  419.74   57.66

Personal scorecards  PBN  CSV file  CSV file (2)  Hand record:  DUP  Session:   1    2   Current standing  <<  >>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  More information

PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.