2024-04-13  Cupa Cornel Navrot    

Match results  PBN  CSV file  CSV file (2)  Current standing  <<  >>  2  1  More information

23 teams. Number of rounds: 3.

Rank    Team    Name                  Roster                                                          Round   1       2       3         Extra   PeScore

   1      11    Does Not Exist        Mugioiu - Agica - Kristo - Nutescu                                    17.99   17.99   16.38                 52.36
   2       6    Marina                Stegaroiu - Rosu - Ghelase - Ionita                                   15.54   18.56     12                  46.10
   3      24    Monica                Onea - Chipail - Arama - Constantinescu                               16.11   15.24   13.15                 44.50
   4       8    BombaSeaca            Ordog - Gheorghe - Neagu - Petrescu                                    8.54     12    16.38                 42.04
   5       2    Cacodoio              Calipetre - Coldea - Iordache - Donciu                                11.46   15.54    13.9                 40.90
   6       9    Bonis                 Darie - Darie - Zavloschi - Dumitru                                    5.41   16.38   15.83                 37.62
   7      20    Logos                 Retzler - Pintilie - Ioja - Leuciuc - Tarpan - Barbir                 11.46    6.85   17.35                 35.66
   8      13    Primavara             Verdes - Chertic - Grosu - Cluci                                      12.33    4.76     12                  35.47
   9      10    Meta                  Grigoriu - Piroi - Iancu - Filimon                                    13.53   17.35    3.62                 34.50
  10      17    Cernato               Cernat - Teodorescu - Briciu - Bacalu                                 17.58   13.15    3.62                 34.35
  11      21    KoKo                  Lupsan - Lupsan - Guja - Ghitescu                                     14.59    4.76   14.59                 33.94
  12      18    Palatinus             Mezei - Honti - Dezso - Zabradi                                        4.46     12    15.24                 31.70
  13      14    Ciresica              Alexandrescu - Arbune - Dalbon - Paraschiv - Matoianu                  8.54    10.5    10.5                 29.54
  14       3    FrontPage             Chitovanu - Goldemberg - Vartanovici - Gheorghe - Andrei              10.99    9.5     6.1                  26.59
  15      16    BlackSea              Bordan - Eros Karacsony - Loghin - Pārlogea                           15.54    3.62    5.41                 24.57
  16       4    Contra                Filip - Cotescu - Ignatescu - Safta                                    4.46   15.24    4.17                 23.87
  17      15    GIN                   Boboc - Filimon - Marcu - Solomon                                      9.01    4.46    9.5                  22.97
  18      12    Gratargii             Popescu - Popescu - Anghel - Bildea                                    3.89   15.83     12                 -21.34
  19       1    Budha                 Mihul - Marina - Micescu - Valimarescu                                 7.67    4.17    6.85                 18.69
  20       7    Multi                 Tudora - Furtuna - Andarache - Rugina - Gradinaru - Earmacov            12     1.44    4.76                 18.20
  21      22    The Chus Bchhlbbds    Tanasa - Moraru - Crivoi - Spiratos                                    6.47    2.01    9.01                 17.49
  22      23    4 Trefle              Mucileanu - Simiuc - Maris - Georgescu                                 2.01    2.65   10.99                 15.65
  23       5    Cutezatorii           Toderica - Toderica - Paulin - Scumpu - Toderica                       2.42     12     2.65                - 7.95


Round:  3                                                                           
Round  Team                                           IMP       +/-         Score   
  3    1  Budha               24 Monica              11-18                6.85 13.15
  3    13 Primavara           12 Gratargii                               12.00 12.00
  3    2  Cacodoio            3  FrontPage           22-13               13.90  6.10
  3    14 Ciresica            15 GIN                 12-11               10.50  9.50
  3    10 Meta                11 Does Not Exist       2-19                3.62 16.38
  3    22 The Chus Bchhlbbds  23 4 Trefle            13-15                9.01 10.99
  3    4  Contra              9  Bonis                5-20                4.17 15.83
  3    16 BlackSea            21 KoKo                 9-20                5.41 14.59
  3    17 Cernato             8  BombaSeaca           1-18                3.62 16.38
  3    5  Cutezatorii         20 Logos               10-31    -9.12-0    -6.47 17.35
  3    7  Multi               18 Palatinus            2-15                4.76 15.24
  3    -- --                  6  Marina                                        12.00


Match results  PBN  CSV file  CSV file (2)  Current standing  <<  >>  2  1  More information

PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.